
The 155 Best Contemporary Artworks By Americans, Part 10 Of 10; Tesa Michaels 2019

November 6, 2023

155 artworks by American artists won the most recent America Art Awards. 19 of those masterpieces are featured in this article.

The AMERICAN ART AWARDS is a globally revered competition, decided by America’s 25 Best Galleries & Museums.

From now until July, painters, digital artists, photographers and sculptors from all countries enter JPEGs of their best works in the 50 categories of the 2020 AMERICAN ART AWARDS hoping to win gallery affiliation, a career launch, great scores, great press and/or $7,000 in prizes.

In 2019, artists from 63 countries entered and artists from 55 countries took prizes. Americans took the most wins because the contest is more publicized in the USA, and therefore more Americans entered.

This is the 12th anniversary for the American Art Awards organization which decides the 25 Best Galleries and Museums each May. Decisions are based upon years established, industry reputation, online buzz, location, size, socially relevant exhibits, motivational and educational programs, represented artists as well as artist, client and visitor references. Winning galleries and museums vote on online art submissions in August.

The 50 categories of 2020 winners will be revealed September to December in hundreds of articles.

The 155 Best Contemporary Artworks By Americans, Part 10 Of 10 | by Thom Bierdz | Medium
